PDUs (Professional Development Units) available on ALL Classes!

All Classes can be delivered in a classroom or webinar format and can be custimozed to meet your needs.

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One Day Classes

Leadership Series

Leading Through Influence

Office Influence is the tip of spear in all interpersonal communication activities, including negotiation, change, sales, leadership, conflict resolution and more. Negotiation is a highly interactive two-way type of influence. Sales is influencing customers to buy your products and services. The list goes on and on.

This talk, based on Eric Bloom’s book “Office Influence: Get What You Want from the Mailroom to the Boardroom”, explains how to enhance your office influence through the process of professional growth, industry leading concepts and ready-to-use tools, tips and techniques.

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Effective Workplace Communication

Interpersonal communication skills within the workplace, ranging from emotional intelligence, to questioning techniques, to active listening, are key factors in professional and organizational success.

This class is specifically designed to enhance the participant’s ability to communicate with others by expanding their knowledge in communication techniques, concepts, and best practices.

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Influence-Based Negotiation

Negotiation is a fundamental component of business and personal success. At the office, we negotiate with vendors on price and delivery dates, with colleagues on office resources, office space and a myriad of other topics. On the personal side, we negotiation with our friends, family, service providers and others on every topic under the sun.

This class describes negotiation styles, keys to successful negotiation, how to deal with difficult negotiation tactics, and other related topics.

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Influence-Based Organizational Change

The rollout of new manual and automated procedures, implementation of new software, modifications in existing business processes, and new corporate initiatives of all types can cause organizational restructuring, shift corporate culture and/or redirect employee career paths and their upward trajectory.

This class discusses what must be in place for change to occur. This includes various informal and formal methodologies, key concepts, tips and guidance that help facilitate these changes within both organizations and the individuals they employ.

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Influence-Based Conflict Resolution

Knowing how to recognize, understand and intervene effectively in conflict situations is a critical career-enhancing skill. This may be through conflict resolution techniques, structured difficult conversations , or a combination of the two.

This class discusses how to understand, avoid and resolve conflict, as well as conversational tips and techniques, how to properly prepare for difficult conversation using the ALERT process to maximize conversational effectiveness.

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Influence-Based Presentation and Meeting Success

Presentation skills of great value to IT professionals, managers and executives at all organizational levels. By their nature, presentations are given you are trying to influence, impress, receive agreement and/or motivate. As a result, the ability to present well in front of others is not the goal, it’s a tool to meet your business and professional objectives.

This class, which is customizable to your business needs, was designed by the past president of National Speakers Association New England and is designed to enhance your business presentation skills, including your preparation, materials (PowerPoint slides, etc.) giving the actual presentation and controlling the room during the process.

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